Let me guide you 

My job is to defuse, release, transform programmed reactions, coping mechanisms.

Reprogramming your brain to achieve a better being.

Our brain has the ability to create new neural connections and modify existing ones: this is neuroplasticity.

It is important to know that our unconscious/subconscious is the guardian of our acquired memories, of our heredity. It blindly applies programs whether they are negative, limiting or harmful to our well-being.

Hypnosis allows you to unplug automatisms, unravel associations, transform thought patterns. We explore the root causes of past experiences, repressed emotions. Then, we will reprogram our unconscious to consolidate, anchor more positive, more constructive behaviors.

Let me guide you 

My job is to defuse, release, transform programmed reactions, coping mechanisms.

Reprogramming your brain to achieve a better being.

Our brain has the ability to create new neural connections and modify existing ones: this is neuroplasticity.

It is important to know that our unconscious/subconscious is the guardian of our acquired memories, of our heredity. It blindly applies programs whether they are negative, limiting or harmful to our well-being.

Hypnosis allows you to unplug automatisms, unravel associations, transform thought patterns. We explore the root causes of past experiences, repressed emotions. Then, we will reprogram our unconscious to consolidate, anchor more positive, more constructive behaviors.

Yes. Hypnosis is contraindicated with certain pathologies.

My job is for you to achieve your wellness goals in your personal and professional life.

I would like to remind you that the services provided, which constitute various techniques offered, are not a substitute for a medical discipline and in no way replace a medical diagnosis or treatment, and in no way exempt them from consulting a doctor. My practice is complementary to the advice and consultation of health professionals. The non-medical services provided may take the form of techniques, advice, information, discussion groups, workshops.

I am not a doctor, psychologist, psychiatrist or psychotherapist. So I don’t make a diagnosis or deliver treatment.

I undertake to respect the ethics of my profession and not to substitute myself for a health professional. I accompany the client within my field of expertise and do not give any medical advice or modify any current treatment.

It is important for the client to demonstrate responsibility for their health and to consult with competent health professionals for any medical or psychological problems. Hypnosis can be a complement to therapeutic care, but should in no way replace appropriate medical follow-up.

If in doubt, the client is encouraged to consult with their attending physician/psychologist/psychoanalyst/psychiatrist for their opinion on the use of hypnosis in their particular case. Collaboration between the hypnosis practitioner and healthcare professionals is essential to ensure the client’s safety and well-being.

The Client undertakes when booking the service to inform me if he or she is in the following cases (non-exhaustive list):

Not be affected, to the best of their knowledge :

  • psychotic states or significant personality disorders serious psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia, paranoid psychosis
  • being treated by a psychiatrist or released from a psychiatric hospital
  • having suicidal thoughts be in a psychological or psychiatric emergency
  • having symptoms of depersonalization or dissociation neurological disorders
  • people prone to discomfort, loss of consciousness and consciousness having severe depression or melancholy and not receiving psychological follow-up
  • being under the influence of psychoactive substances or intoxication needing to consult for alcohol addiction and not being treated by an addictologist
  • needing consultation for addiction to heavy drugs and not being treated medically and psychologically
  • with a history of violence or aggressive behaviour
  • who are in psychological or emotional distress people who endanger their own safety or the safety of others

In the following cases mentioned above, it is important to consult and receive the approval of a health professional before consulting me and confirming a reservation.

I cannot be held liable if the patient decides not to follow the medical or psychological recommendations, or if he or she interrupts his or her treatment without the advice of his or her doctor or psychologist. It is the patient’s responsibility to follow the medical advice and prescriptions given by healthcare professionals to ensure their health and well-being.

I prioritize the safety and well-being of my clients, and do not hesitate to terminate a collaboration if I feel that my competence is not appropriate for the situation. I act in the interest of my clients by referring them to appropriate health professionals to ensure proper follow-up. This concern for the well-being and safety of my clients demonstrates my commitment to quality and ethical service.

I also reserve the right to terminate an ongoing benefit if I believe that the safety of the client or any other person is compromised.

Let’s meet

You will find an active, intuitive and caring environment.